H. Michael Dunphy, FCGA began working for
the association in the early 1960’s when he and some of his fellow employees at
Revenue Canada ’s Saint John New
Brunswick office completed the CGA program. Mike
along with others such as Frank Bishop, CGA (deceased) and Al Smith CGA volunteered
to advance the association’s presence in Atlantic Canada. Mike was the first
executive director of the Atlantic region. In the early 60’s CGA’s did not have
public practice rights in Newfoundland .
Mike met with Joey Smallwood’s government in an attempt to gain recognition in
this province. A national convention was held in Saint John ’s NFLD in the 1970’s. In addition,
Mike held a position with the CGA national education committee in 1964 when the
CGA program was offered in Bermuda and the Caribbean .
1962 CGA designation
1963 Atlantic Canada representative on the NCEE
1964 National Board Representative
1965-67 President of New Brunswick Association
1969 1978 National Board Director
1981 life member New Brunswick Association
1993 FCGA